Membership is for gay and bisexual men:

Like to be naked socially with other interesting, personable and compatible men? If so, Los Angeles Nude Guys may be for you.
LANG membership is based upon:

- Embracing the purpose and guidelines of LANG.
- A completed membership application.
- Attendance and acceptance after a LANG function (to determine personal expectations and mutual commitment, common courtesy, and compatibility).
- LANG functions because members volunteer. Volunteering to either host an event or assist with the hosting of an event is expected.
- Optional photograph for the member photo album, this photo album is for club use and can be viewed only at LANG events.
- Payment of annual dues, first year for single members is $15.00. Couples at the same address may join as a couple for $27.00 per year.
- Membership includes a subscription to emailed newsletters and announcements.
Membership and attendance at LANG activities and events is limited to men at least 21 years old. We have no other restrictions on membership based on age, race, or religion. For that reason, and unlike other clubs, we do not ask for a photograph to accompany your application. Guest visitors to LANG events must also be at least 21 years of age.
Acceptance as a member will be determined by the Steering Committee of LANG after attending two LANG functions.

Guidelines for Members and Guests:
Activity Guidelines are based on common courtesy and respect for others:
- Hugs and friendly touching are OK. Spontaneous erections are generally considered natural and should not be a cause for concern or shame.
- Body acceptance is what we're all about. Avoid making anyone feel conspicuous or uncomfortable.
- Safe sexual activity may be allowed at some events. When allowed, sex must be mutually agreed upon and confined to the designated discrete areas to insure courtesy to individuals not choosing to participate.
- Rude or obnoxious behavior is not acceptable, nor is abuse of alcohol or any activity that might cause injury.
- DRUGS are NOT allowed.
- Smoking is by host prerogative in a host designated area.
- Members of the club are responsible for the behavior of the guests they invite.
- Photography is permitted by members (for personal, noncommercial use) but only by common personal consent.
- Everyone must be nude unless the listing for the event indicates otherwise.
- Bring a towel to sit on and your own beverages to drink.
- Thank the host, and if extra help is needed, offer to help.

To apply for membership in LANG:
If you like being nude socially, support the purpose of LANG, understand and agree with the guidelines, and are interested in applying to join LANG, please fill out a LANG membership application.
For More Information:
Still have questions? For more information, contact our Membership Chairman either by email or by dropping a note to: LANG, Attn: Membership Chairman, 8424-A Santa Monica Blvd., PMB #249, West Hollywood, CA 90069.
Los Angeles Nude Guys brochure:
Have a friend you would like to tell about LANG? Print out the new LANG brochure (pdf file) to give to him.

Membership renewals:
Annual membership renewals for single members are $15.00 and for couples are $27.00, and are due January 1 each calendar year. Membership includes e-mailed news and announcements. If you are currently a LANG member and are due to renew your annual membership, send your renewal form and check to: LANG, 8424-A Santa Monica Blvd. PMB # 249, West Hollywood, CA 90069.
Information Updates:
When any of your contact information changes, please let us know by completing an online information update or by sending the changes via US Mail to: Membership Services, LANG, 8424-A Santa Monica Blvd. PMB 249, West Hollywood, CA 90069.