LANG Organization:
Angeles Nude Guys, Inc. (LANG) is a social club for gay and bisexual men who practice and appreciate nudity with
other naked men, which fosters meaningful friendships and good times. LANG's approximately 250 members enjoy
social and recreational nude activities which include Jacuzzi and swimming pool parties, cocktail parties, backyard
barbeques, potluck dinners, day hikes, weekend excursions to Palm Springs and other naturist activities throughout
the year.
LANG has been organizing nude social events in the Greater Los Angeles, California area since 1987, bringing together gay and bisexual men who enjoy a healthy, nude lifestyle, and encouraging an active interest in social nudism. Los Angeles Nude Guys, Inc. is a California nonprofit corporation.
Purpose of Los Angeles Nude Guys
- To promote and encourage an active interest in social (non-sexual) nudism in the greater Los Angeles area;
- To provide social activities and events for bringing together gay and bisexual men who enjoy a healthy, nude lifestyle;
- To encourage gay nudist/naturist participation in the mainstream nudist/naturist movement;
- And to provide information about nudist/naturist experiences, places and activities.
Membership is open to all gay and bisexual men, 21 years or older, without regard to race, ethnicity, religious preference, national origin, physical appearance or HIV status.
Membership status is based upon: (1) having been accepted by the Steering Committee (or its designated subcommittee) as being compatible with the purposes and membership of the Club, (2) being current in payment of membership dues, and (3) embracing the purpose of LANG and following the activity guidelines, club policies and decisions. more information
Member benefits include:
- receiving the monthly Nudesletter and other mailings,
- participating in all regular Club functions,
- voting on matters concerning the general membership,
- attending Business meetings,
- referring and recommending other prospective members,
- receiving guest privileges to other gay nudist clubs that have reciprocal agreements.
Steering Committee
The Club is governed and operated by a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee consists of members elected by the general membership and others to be appointed by the Steering Committee. Terms of office are for one year, coinciding with the calendar year, beginning January 1, and continuing until the end of the year.
Each January, the Steering Committee selects from among its members, the following officers:
- Coordinator, To conduct Steering Committee meetings, and coordinate the affairs of the Club;
- Treasurer, to collect membership dues, maintain membership records, and account for the income and expenses of the Club,
- Committee chairs as necessary (e.g. newsletter editor, distribution, event planning, co-host scheduling, reservations, membership, secretary, webmaster, brother club, archivist and membership records.) more information
Steering Committee meetings are held most months. Decisions require approval by a majority of the Steering Committee members. Club members are welcome and encouraged to attend Steering Committee meetings, but do not vote.
Los Angeles Nude Guys is incorporated as a Non-profit Mutual Benefit Corporation in the State of California.